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Here’s the highly unusual story:
If you're looking for the best wrinkle cream for older women... forget everything you have ever heard about what “age must do” to your skin’s appearance. Forget anything you have believed about how “old” you must look at forty… fifty... sixty... even seventy.
If it’s your desire to have a more radiant and youthful appearance, this will be the most important message you will ever read...
Here is why:
A few years back, scientists at the World Congress of Dermatology in Paris, France have discovered an extraordinary wrinkle-reducing “multi-peptide” which when tested in clinical trials may proved to be an important step forward in reducing the appearance of some types of wrinkles and fine lines. News of this fast-acting peptide has spread across Europe and finally to the United States. (but few know the story)
This new anti-aging breakthrough is called Peptique and it contains several highly unusual cosmetic ingredients (four of which are extremely hard to find) which are combined together in such a way… scientists call it “synergistic.”
This means… that… all of the ingredients… seem to become much more effective at producing impressive effects on human skin. This is because of the way each of the ingredients works with the other ingredients. Thus, the formula is designed to achieve a safe...
"Facial Glow" In A Tube?
Now, it's not going to replace expensive plastic surgery... but the "end result" is now giving hope to older women across the globe.
Why does it seem to work more effectively than most facial wraps, mud masks, clays and creams for older women?
The answer is easy.
The secret is in the ingredients and the ingenious way the formula is combined in the lab. The main "super peptide" (the one discovered in Paris) was designed to maximize and optimize the natural “cellular turnover” in your face.
Researchers are saying that this is what helps to speed up and quicken the time in which your skin can actually look younger. Other ingredients are designed to support elasticity and add bounce to tired looking skin.
Additional ingredients are designed to super-hydrate your skin. (This is extremely important because dry skin causes pre-existing wrinkles to appear worse than they really are.)
One rather unusual ingredient is a potent "skin" antioxidant. The remaining ingredients influence skin tone and support collagen production thereby aiding in the look and feel of "rejuvenated skin" which can help greatly with the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. (A fact that has thoroughly impressed some of the best and the brightest of the World Congress of Dermatology.)
New Peptique Unscented Wrinkle Cream
Soft and Sexy “Celebrity” Skin… Even If You Think It’s Too Late!
An additional "unusual" peptide is an extremely potent cosmetic agent with remarkable moisturizing and radiating effects. It has been clinically proven to actually enhance the brightness of the skin.
This may be the reason very beautiful women sometimes seem to almost glow! This “Super-peptide” has also shown in in-vitro studies to provide the building blocks of collagen synthesis!
The truth is... Peptique was designed privately for a movie star... a Hollywood actress... and has never been featured as "best wrinkle cream" on any TV shows or infomercials.
It hasn't made the list for best anti aging cream consumer reports yet either. The truth is... this product has never really been "promoted" in any way and few know about it outside of a handful of people that know how it was originally created.
The good news... for those that have heard the story...
Is that Peptique might also be the best "budget" anti wrinkle cream too... when it's in stock at least.
While the cream isn't going to replace cosmetic surgery... it does come with a rather impressive guarantee: Because this product is so incredibly effective with wrinkles… and… because we think it's much, much safer than plastic surgery or painful injections… it is being sold with the most amazing guarantee in the world.
Check this out: Use the product as directed and follow the simple instructions that come with the package. Then, just look in the mirror every day (every hour if you like) and see the visible results of unwanted wrinkles… crow’s feet… nasty age lines… totally disappear… right before your very eyes!
You will be thrilled with the safe, rapid and dramatic transformation of your appearance. However, if you are not completely satisfied, if your closest friends do not accuse you of actually having plastic surgery, simply return the empty product container with a short note about how you used the product (twice daily) and followed the simple instructions… and then… Powerful Living will cheerfully refund your money. (Less shipping and handling of course.)
And guess what? This is not a 30-day guarantee. This is not a 90-day guarantee. No. This is a full one year guarantee! How can Powerful Living make such a guarantee? How can they offer a hassle-free… iron clad… year-long guarantee?
Well, you can only make this type of guarantee… if you are 100% certain… your product is the most peptide-rich product available. It’s just that simple.
By the way, the peptides in this formula were originally designed to be the ultimate “career saver” for French models. And like Hollywood actresses... these attractive women often have to look… much younger… than they really are… or… else…
A Younger Model Takes Their Job!
Again, the name of the product is Peptique™ and until now, French peptides have been very expensive and somewhat difficult to obtain. However, the cost of acquiring these peptides has been dramatically lowered and makes it easier for Powerful Living to offer Peptique ™ here in America for a very low price. It’s now also very easy to order.
And it's not $150.00
Instead, a six month supply of Peptique is now only $49.95. Readers of this article who would like a full year and a half supply should order three tubes for $99.95.
Good Deal: We'll Double Your Order For The Next 48 Hours!
Buy One Tube For $49.95 And Get A Second FREE
Better Deal: Buy Three Tubes For $99.95 And Get Three More Tubes FREE
Six Tubes Total For Just $99.95
However many tubes you order, shipping is $6.95 per order ($6.95 shipping for one bottle or multiple bottles). The fastest way to order is online. Just click below to place your order.
*** Orders are Shipped out within 72 hours ***
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